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Monday, September 30, 2013

7 Weight Loss Mistakes

Weight Loss Mistake #1

Skipping Meals- Skipping meals is a bad idea. 6 to 9 small meals a day is a better way to lose weight. Several small meals during the day can raise your metabolism. This in turn will actually help you burn more fat.

Weight Loss Mistake #2

Choosing a diet program that causes you to lose muscle mass. We need muscle. Losing the muscle you have is not healthy and can lead to many other health issues. Strive only to lose fat, not muscle.

Weight Loss Mistake #3

Irregular eating Patterns- Like stated before, 6 to 9 small meals a day is ideal. It is bad to eat a small meal, then large. Maintaining the same portions allows your stomach to adjust to the proper size. With smaller meals your stomach shrinks. Eventually you will feel full from these smaller meals.

Mistake #4

Including sodas and juice in your diet. These drinks are loaded with calories. This is one of the best and fastest ways to get fat. Avoid soda and juices high in sugar to maintain weight loss.

Mistake #5

Not keeping a positive mental attitude. This is more important than you think. A confident person can achieve anything.

Mistake #6

White flour products are your enemy. Stay clear of these and watch the pounds fall off.

Finially, Mistake #7

Spending way too much for diet products. The weight loss industry has a way of gouging the public for their products. It is true that you get what you pay for, but do exercise some caution.

For More Related Topics Blog: Exercise Plans For Weight Loss

Great Weight Loss Advice

For More Related Topics Blog: Gym Weight Loss Workout

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Body Wraps Are a Great Way to Achieve Weight Loss!

Body wraps are awesome for improving texture and appearance of skin. Some even soften the skin, detoxify, and may cause inch loss.

Treatments used in spas are great for body contouring and temporary inch loss. Most of these are generally diuretics or cause temporary water loss, which makes them great if you need a quick fix. However, the treatments that work in this manner should not be confused with those that actually cause fat loss.

True weight loss wraps not only beautify and moisturize the skin, but they are scientifically formulated to shrink fat cells, heal cellulite, and tighten loose skin.

Only a few elite spas offer such products and they are charging hundreds of dollars for each treatment. Savvy consumers are doing a lot more research online trying to find effective home treatments. They want the best product, with the same benefits as the weight loss wraps, but at affordable prices.

One of the best, and most affordable products on the market is the Ultimate Body Wrap. It has a phenomenal reputation and has received thousands of positive reviews from consumers. This product can be used to lose permanent inches in order to get back into your skinny jeans or actually transform your body over time. It is a great option for those considering liposuction, tummy-tuck or any other invasive weight-loss procedure.

Body wraps are great for the skin, and when you find the right one, they can be a great addition to helping you reach your ideal weight!

For More Related Topics Blog: Weightloss Resource

Fast Weight Loss Tips to Eliminate Unwanted Body Fat

For fast weight loss tips you will need to work hard in order to get results. But if you are thinking about getting things done quickly and with almost effortless work, then you are in for a disappointment because you not going to read it here. Although providing fast weight loss tips will hasten your results, on the other hand, it is healthier to think of the moderate pace to lose weight because it is easier on the body in terms of physical training and following balanced meals.

Four Fast Weight Loss Tips

Tip One: Eliminate These Type of Foods

When I examine some of my clients that I train, I find they eat unnecessary and damaging foods during their meals and snacks. And once they honestly avoid these types of foods, they will notice a fast and a noticeable weight loss within a week or ten days. Here is a list of these damaging foods:

- Potato Chips and the like

For More Related Topics Blog: Lose Weight Really Fast

Friday, September 27, 2013

Diet and Weight Loss Tips!

Here are some EFFECTIVE diet and weight loss tips that will get you on track FAST. Look, if you're unhappy about how you look, then you need to just take that first step to get the ball rolling. Take 2 minutes to read this article to learn about a few ways you can take charge of your body and lose weight almost immediately.

Diet and Weight Loss Tips

1. Whatever you do, eat breakfast and make sure there's plenty of protein in it

The biggest mistake I see people making is they skip breakfast. The next biggest mistake is they eat breakfast, but it's all processed garbage with tons of sugars and carbs in it. The last one is people eat a light breakfast.

If there's ever a meal to eat big, go with breakfast. Eat a big breakfast and then small meals for the rest of the day. Don't save your big meal for dinner. BIG MISTAKE!

I recommend a breakfast that has eggs in it, maybe some black beans, and 1-2 pieces of fruit. Make me a happy camper and just try that out for 10 days. Get on the scale before you start and at day 10 as well. YOU'RE WELCOME.

2. Rinse yourself with cold water after each shower

Do this for 15 seconds. Yeah, it feels like torture. But it's worth it if you want to lose weight. This is the quickest way to induce fat burning thermogenesis. Some things are not meant to be pleasant, but they're effective. So you put up with them anyway. This is one of those things.

These 2 diet and weight loss tips are proven and RUTHLESSLY effective... do them.

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

Best Weight Loss Plan - Be Fit and Lean Even If You Are Too Lazy to Work Out

If you are reading this article I am assuming this is your first, second attempt at weight loss, or as is more likely - your upteenth attempt? Bet you have heard all the - "You know it's down to you", "Only you can do it" phrases, probably a hundred times before. Well unfortunately or not, or however you want to see it - IT'S THE TRUTH!

But let's face it, ultimately we all want to put ourselves through as little change and adjustment as possible but still shift that weight. Well I am here to give you the good news it can be done! How about manipulating your bad habits and everyday chores and routines into gym-worthy results?

For instance - if you can't go without spending several hours in front of the TV set, why not make use of it then? Channel-surfing can become the ultimate hassle-free exercise! Also you won't be denied the right to gobble, but just gobble something just as tasty as those chips.

Hassle free exercise can also be implemented whilst doing the grocery shopping, the cleaning, whilst at your office desk, gardening, washing the dishes,cleaning the car, babysitting the kids, away on vacation, etc, etc.

OK I know you probably have heard this before, but lets have a reminder to the everlasting benefits of fitness.

Exercise makes you look and FEEL younger

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Green Tea- Weight Loss

Green tea, weight loss and long life are on everyone's lips these days. The Chinese have been using green tea for centuries as an aid to both health and weight loss, but it is only recently that green tea has become popular in the West for these purposes, having originally become known as the drink provided in Chinese restaurants.

Recently a number of research projects have been carried out to determine whether or not the health benefits of green tea are justified. Scientists have discovered that green tea contains high amounts of antioxidants, which are responsible for many of the benefits attributed to the drink.

Substances in green tea which cause thermogenesis are responsible for its ability to help weight loss. Thermogenesis is the mechanism by which the body generates heat, increasing metabolism in the process and therefore burning calories. This is partly due to the presence of caffeine, however, it is greater than the thermogenic effects of caffeine alone. It appears that green tea not only, has compounds that can increase the body's normal metabolism, but also suppress the appetite, making it an ideal supplement to use as part of your diet. A double blind trial carried out involving 24 men who were given green tea and whose diets, exercise and energy expenditure were monitored, revealed that those who were being given regular dosages of green tea showed a significant increase in their energy expenditure over 24 hours.

If you wish to use green tea as an aid to weight loss, you should buy a good quality brand and have a cup or two per day. Alternatively, you can consider taking a green tea supplement. However, don't expect miracles. If you drink green tea, weight losswill be assisted, but only if you are careful about what you eat.

© Waller Jamison 2007

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

How Effective Is Weight Loss Products Made From Hoodia?

Health products made from Hoodia Gordonii plant are very popular. This plant is present in the deserts of South Africa and it is so rare. Because of the extensive use of this plant in making weight loss products, they are facing a greater problem of extension. This exotic herb will take about five years to mature and it cannot be grown in all climatic conditions.

Hoodia weight loss products are in great demand because of its effective results. There are no other products which will help in reducing the weight faster than Hoodia. As there are many medicines to loose your weight that are available in the market,the competition in this field is getting tighter. This has resulted in producing medicines that do not have actual hoodia content but advertise in the name of this herb.

You should be very careful before choosing the weight loss product made of Hoodia. Use the product which is made by a reliable Company. Bad quality product will create many side effects or allergies.

The main advantage of hoodia herb is that it has the natural mechanism to burn out the extra fat in the body. They will enhance the over all heath of your body. No other organ in your body will be affected if you use the herbal product made from this herb. They also have an amazing effect in controlling your appetite. You no longer will feel the craving for food any more if you use the product made from hoodia.

6 Week Weight Loss Plan

A six week weight loss plan does not have to mean 6 weeks of hell and suffering. When choosing a 6 week weight loss plan, go with a program that allows you to eat a wide variety of nutritious food. Any program that prohibits you to take certain types of foods (such as all-carb or all-protein diets) will only deprive you of nutrition needed to maintain a healthy mind and body. A 6 week weight loss plan however, may require you to limit your sweets and refined carbohydrates intake. This is only natural and will not only help you lose weight but will have a lot of health benefits for your heart and blood pressure.

The role of metabolism

A good 6 week weight loss plan should be able to boost your metabolism, becoming the primary actor in your weight loss. Developing a fast metabolism will enable you to eat a good amount of food everyday, without needing to starve yourself to lose weight. A higher metabolism allows you to burn more calories all day even when you're just sitting down. You could develop your metabolism in 6 weeks by eating the right type, combination, and amounts of foods, and through strength training, which builds muscles that are known to burn calories.

Eating plan

You can eat five small meals a day, instead of eating three large ones, to keep you from feeling hungry and from bingeing. There are phases for a 6 week plan, and each phase usually lasts only one week. There will be a low-calorie phase to help boost the metabolism, and once this reaches a plateau, you will eat more to kick your metabolism higher. The eating plan can either be a higher protein diet or a higher carbohydrate intake diet, but no food should be off-limits. The protein intake can range from 40 to 40 percent, depending on the solution you choose.